
A Resource refers to all data and related information constituting factual records (layers, maps and documents), uploaded by a Contributor, with a view to preserving, managing or disseminating them on the platform.

A Contributor means any person holding an account and having the rights to deposit and distribute Resources on the platform

A User means any visitor, having viewing and/or downloading access, whether or not he or she has an account, to the platform.


The website is a platform for the preservation, management and dissemination of data produced by CIRAD for NEPAD.

The platform is localized [to be completed]:

Address to be specified]

The present General Conditions of Use, hereafter CGU, are those established at the time of the transfer of the platform by CIRAD to NEPAD in June 2020. Any subsequent modifications and updates made by NEPAD are the responsibility of the latter and not of CIRAD.
The access to the NEPAD atlas, as well as its consultation, uploading and downloading of resources (data and related information), are subject to the respect of the following conditions and terms:

  1. The NEPAD atlas is a warehouse for storage, management and dissemination, by link referencing or by making available the Resources resulting from research, according to sharing conditions defined on a case-by-case basis.

  2. The content of the NEPAD Atlas is licensed under a Creative Commons licence. The metadata are freely reusable under the CC0 licence. The Resources are mainly under the CC BY NC SA licence. The licensing of the Resources can also be defined on a case-by-case basis.

  3. The Contributor of the platform is CIRAD within the framework of the implementation of the NEPAD Atlas project, project processing n°: AUDA-NEPAD/NRGFS/001/2019

  4. Each User undertakes to comply with the terms and conditions of the user license applicable to the Resources consulted and/or downloaded and/or reused. The downloading and/or use of Resources of the NEPAD Atlas Platform does not transfer any intellectual property right to the User on them

  5. In cases where Users are authorised to download Resources, the use made of these Resources must respect the content of the associated licence and in any case, must at least cite the source of the Resource. Citation of data required:

    NEPAD Atlas, 2020, [Title of the Resource], [Year of the Resource].

  6. The User is responsible for its use of the Resource and may not hold CIRAD liable in any way for its downloading or use. All Resources are provided "as is".

Contact: [to be completed]